Press releases
At this page you find the most recent press releases and images. The copyrights of all photographs and graphic material on this website are the exclusive property of the TextielMuseum unless otherwise stated in the caption.
All press releases
Use of press kits
Here you find links to press releases and images.
The copyrights of all photographs and graphic material on this web site are the exclusive property of the TextielMuseum unless otherwise stated in the caption. All the photographs on the press site may be used for publication or personal use (not for commercial purposes), on condition that TextielMuseum or the photographer/designer are explicitly mentioned. In the event of publication, please send an author’s copy to the following address:
T.a.v. Team Communication
Postbus 4265
5004 JG Tilburg
For more information:
Marketing & Communication TextielMuseum
T. + 31 (0)13 54 94 500
E: Communicatie@TextielMuseum.nl