Every day, people ask us questions, send us requests, book tickets, sign up for our newsletter and communicate with us in other ways via our website. Our world of textile is interwoven with a digital environment. On this page, we wish to inform you as transparently as possible about how we handle personal data.
Let’s start by stating that we are very careful about how we do this and that we will never share your personal data with third parties without your permission (unless your health is at risk and/or the laws & regulations obligate us to do so). In addition, we will only use your personal data for the purpose for which you provided it. We have taken appropriate measures to protect your data and to prevent its misuse. To determine whether these measures are appropriate and effective, our security is externally tested and certified according to the ‘Security Verified’ principle, an international standard comparable to ISO 27001.
Our privacy principles are listed below. Under each heading, we state clearly what information we collect, why we collect it and how long we store it. In this way, we are completely transparent about how we handle and what we do with your personal data.
TextielLab booking request form
If you wish to book a TextielLab activity, we ask you to fill in a detailed contact form. Besides your personal and/or company details, we ask you to provide additional information such as which technique you would like to use, whether you are booking the activity as a student, designer or on behalf of the organisation you work for and additional project information and technical details insofar as they are already known. We need this information so that we can properly assess your booking request and process the details you provide in our customer database.
When you fill in the form, we ask for your permission to include the personal data you provide in our customer database. Your personal data will only be used to communicate with you about your booking and to keep you informed about upcoming (cultural) activities that we organise. We would like to emphasize that we do not use personal data for commercial purposes. Our customer database is periodically cleared and updated, and you can deregister at any time.
After your booking has been accepted, we keep a record of the transaction and the payment in our accounting system. We have a duty under Dutch tax legislation to store this information for seven years. If your booking request does not go ahead or if you do not give permission for including your details in our customer database, all the information you provide will be deleted.
Digital newsletter subscription
The world of textiles presented in and around the TextielLab is bustling with activity. If you wish, we would be pleased to inform you about everything going on at the TextielLab via our digital newsletter. To subscribe to our digital newsletter, we ask you to provide your name and email address. After you have done this, we send you an email confirmation in which we also ask for your permission to use your personal data for this purpose. You are free to fill in additional details if you think they could be relevant. Once you have signed up for our digital newsletter, your details will be added to the address list in our messaging program Mailchimp. Your personal data will only be used for sending the newsletter to the email address you specify. Every newsletter we send contains a link at the bottom with which you can easily unsubscribe or update your personal data.
The TextielMuseum processes the collection of data in a specially designed system. Where appropriate, we supplement our collection by donations. We will include the name and address of the donor in our system. For example, when you make a donation, you will receive a thank you letter from the museum’s management.
Camera surveillance
The TextielMuseum is equipped with surveillance cameras. The areas where cameras have been hung up are marked with small signs. This is important for the safety of the museum staff and the works we exhibit. Camera images are deleted after four weeks, unless there is a good reason for keeping them longer, for example, for a police investigation.
Wifi network
When you visit our museum and lab, you can use our WIFI network free of charge. Please note that once you have logged in to our WIFI network, you will, however, be connected to a public and unsecured network. The use of this type of public WIFI network is at your own risk. If you use our WIFI network to carry out illegal activities, we block the network access of the device you are using.
Photos and images
The TextielMuseum takes photos and/or records videos, for example, to accompany the opening of an exhibition and museum events or to demonstrate a production process in the TextielLab, etc. We use these images to record important matters for journalistic, artistic and/or educational purposes. When you visit our museum, you may therefore come across a photographer or film crew. If you object to being photographed or filmed, please inform the photographer/film crew directly. We expect the professional photographers/film crews we engage to be fully aware of privacy legislation and to act accordingly. If specific recordings have been planned on a day you intend to visit the museum, we will inform you as soon as you arrive.
Contact with the TextielMuseum via social media
If you ask us a question via social media, we will store the respective message and your account name so that we can give you an answer. We will contact you if you post a photo in which the TextielMuseum | TextielLab is tagged or hashtagged. We will not use the photo without your permission.
TextielMuseum advertisements on social media
TextielMuseum uses the advertising possibilities provided by social media platforms. We will show you advertisements based on the data that social media platforms collect with your permission, for example, that you follow us, are interested in textiles, fashion, design, interior architecture or that you live in a specific region. TextielMuseum has no control over the data that social media platforms collect from you. This is stated in the social media platforms’ terms and conditions and can usually be managed via your social media profile settings.
More information?
Would you like to know more about where your personal data is stored or who you should contact, for example, to have your personal data deleted?
Rights of involved
You have the option to view your personal data and (in case of inaccuracies or incompleteness) correct it. You can also invoke your right to oblivion and you can (if desired) have your personal data removed. You can do this by contacting info@textielmuseum.nl.
Questions and feedback
We regularly check whether we meet these privacy conditions. If you have questions about our privacy conditions, you can contact us:
013 – 53 67 475
or directly contact Douwe Cnossen (data protection officer) of Stichting Mommerskwartier via douwe.cnossen@mommerskwartier.nl or 06-14943341