Christien Meindertsma

Christien Meindertsma

Meindertsma, founder of design label Flocks, puts her focus on the origin of materials and techniques.
Christien Meindertsma
Photo: Geisje van der Linden


After graduating from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2003, Meindertsma (Utrecht, 1980) started her own design label, Flocks. Her projects Checked Baggage (2003), Urchin Poufs and Pig 05049 (2008) put her on the international design map. Meindertsma is interested in the origin of materials and techniques. Her work is included in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Vitra Design Museum, MoMA New York and the TextielMuseum.

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A Flax Project

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To be seen in

Long Live Fashion!

24 September 2021 to 26 March 2022