Koen Taselaar
Taselaar, based in Rotterdam, works with different techniques to express his curiosity about the world with a playful and rebellious attitude toward art norms.

Photo: Josefina Eikenaar
Koen Taselaar (b. 1986) is a visual artist based in Rotterdam who primarily works with drawing, printmaking and, more recently, ceramics. Taselaar graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in 2008. His work targets hands-on and direct media that allows a certain intuitive approach, conveying a vivid curiosity about the surrounding world rather than focusing on rigid conceptual ideas. Although he has had an academic education, he loves the naive and has a do-it-yourself mentality. With regard to the norms prevailing in the art world, Taselaar adopts a stubborn, slightly mocking attitude, which is evident in the jokes and language in his work.
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Secrets of making – artists and designers in the TextielLab
25 June 2021 to 7 May 2022