Aleksandra Gaca

Aleksandra Gaca

Gaca designs innovative fabrics with acoustic and aesthetic value, exploring abstract architectural concepts through self-developed techniques and special yarns.
Aleksandra Gaca
Photo: Patty van den Elshout


Born in Poland, textile designer Gaca (Lods, 1969) studied at the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag). She specialises in the design and production of innovative fabrics that have an acoustic effect as well as an aesthetic value. Gaca's work is characterized by abstract architectural concepts such as order, rhythm and repetition.

She is known for her textile translations of abstract architectural concepts such as ordering, rhythm and repetition. Its yarn structures are, for example, based on the lines of building structures such as steel skeletons, masonry or tile grids. She is experimenting with self-developed bindings and special yarns, resulting in a series of intriguing fabrics at the intersection of art, design and architectural design. Her work always shows a nice balance between craftsmanship and innovation.

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