

The TextielLab employs time-honoured techniques to keep the art of passementerie alive. We use manual or mechanical machines dating from the end of the 19th century to produce braids, gimps, cords and other trimmings.

Passementerie is an umbrella term used to describe a range of decorative trimmings such as bands, fringes, cords and braids. Bands and fringes are woven manually or mechanically on ribbon or narrow looms. Cords are mechanically braided or manually twisted or wound. The TextielLab has machines for producing all these trimmings. Passementerie is usually used to embellish fashionwear and soft furnishings.

Yarn collection
The TextielLab has an unrivalled yarn collection. Besides standard yarns, the lab also researches and buys special yarns. We work with sustainable yarns from European suppliers wherever possible, and we research specific applications for different yarns in textile products.

Working in the TextielLab

If you are interested in developing a project at the technique passement in 2024, you can submit an application via our website.

At the technique passement, we work with a six-month schedule. There are two times per year when you can submit an application. For a work period in February-July 2024 you need to have applied before 7 November 2023, for a work period in August-December 2024 you need to have submitted an application before 7 May 2024.

We still have some capacity available for the coming months. Submit your application before Sunday 15 September 2024 if you want to be included in the selection window for the final months of 2024.


How to submit a design
Once we have accepted the project and scheduled the development days, we will ask you to submit a design according to the specifications below.

  • A sketch that gives us an idea of ​​the product’s material, colour and structure (this does not have to be final).
  • An indication of the yarns you want to use. We have an extensive yarn collection in the TextielLab, but you may also be able to bring your own materials. Please discuss this with us.

Photo: William van der Voort

The cost of developing a project in the passementerie department depends on several factors that vary for each project. These include the number of development days, the materials used and whether any assembly is required. The full rate for a development day is around €450 (excl. VAT). Thanks to a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Province of Noord-Brabant and the City of Tilburg, the lab can cover approximately 35% of the total costs per project, if makers pay the remaining costs themselves. If you work for a client, we cover 15% of the total costs per project. We cover 50% of the total costs for young talent (graduating students). If your project is already subsidised elsewhere, we charge the full rate per development day. This is to avoid the same project being subsidised multiple times.

After the intake interview, the lab team will determine how many development days are needed to realise the project. Additional fees will be charged for materials, assembly and any other costs incurred. After the intake interview, the lab will send you a final quote.