BIS 2025 - 2028

TextielLab is heading towards a sustainable future!


The TextielLab at the TextielMuseum is proud and grateful to announce that the Council for Culture has recommended that the TextielLab be reinstated as a development institution in the basic cultural infrastructure for the period 2025-2028.

Upon agreement by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Science on Budget Day 2024, this means that the TextielLab will receive structural support from the state as part of the TextielMuseum, enabling it to continue its role as a leading place for the development of textiles as a medium, discipline and cultural heritage for the next four years.

This renewed recognition by the Cultural Council confirms the TextielLab’s unique position. The TextielLab is the place for experimentation, research and innovation, where professional makers and young talent can realise their ideas. The council notes that the world’s top textile artists know how to find their way to Tilburg. With BIS support, the TextielLab can continue to invest in young talent and renowned artists. Every year, the TextielLab offers development spots to various (inter)national students and makers, thus playing a crucial role in their creative and professional growth. The council considers the development opportunities of individual makers at TextielLab of great importance.

Experimental metal weaving samples, the by-product of the Studio Drift R&D assignment @ TextielLab.
Photo: Patty van den Elshout, 2022.

“The council considers TextielLab a leading institution that uses working with textiles to create art and (social) connections. This has local and regional significance, but equally a major international impact.”

“We are very pleased that the Culture Council and its advisory committee underline the importance and impact of our work. The Lab often plays a key role for artists and designers who want to break new ground in the profession. Together with them, we are constantly looking for new possibilities and applications of textiles. This makes us a dynamic museum. We show history, current affairs and also create new futures. In this way, we put Tilburg back on the map as a textile city and contribute to artistic as well as technical innovations for the entire sector. The focus here is on reusing materials and minimising the ecological footprint,” said Jochem Otten, Director/Board member. The board states that “it shows that TextielLab is at the centre of the world and chooses experimentation and innovation”.

Thanks to collaborative projects with national and international partners, the TextielMuseum strengthens its position as a centre of knowledge and expertise, and provides a meeting place for multidisciplinary makers who explore the boundaries of materials, techniques and applications. Because of the universal language of textiles, the council sees opportunities for an increase in audience reach. The council finds it unique that TextielLab trains not only artists but also technicians, as the makers ultimately depend on them. This helps preserve and guard the knowledge being accumulated, especially where crafts and innovations are concerned.

“In the TextielLab, co-creation stands central. This is how we are constantly challenged and raise the craft to a higher level. We safeguard our knowledge and make it open-source available. Over the past four years, TextielLab has invested heavily in both expanding its machinery and training and hiring professionals. Thanks to this renewed award, we will be able to establish a solid programme in the coming years to strengthen our researching, driving and enabling role in the world of textiles. We are immensely grateful for the trust and opportunities this gives our institution from the Council for Culture.” said Hebe Verstappen, Head of TextielLab.

(Inter-)national participants of the Advanced Textile Program in conversation with Lab specialists in the Sample Studio @ TextielLab. Photo: Patty van den Elshout, 2023